You are called to be peculiar, to stand out, to be unique in design and purpose.
That path doesn’t make sense to the world. When we live intentional lives in purpose and on purpose, the world calls us radical . . . or much worse.
But the truth is, it won’t make sense to the world – or to others in general. Sometimes it barely makes sense to you. Because your way is forged by you one step at a time.
You heard that right.
It all starts with YOU – who you are, your YOUniquenesses, and the things that work for you – because if doesn’t work for you then you won’t work it.
The more you know the YOU that you were designed to be, the bolder you will be in finding your way to walk it out. We want to help because we believe in the power of YOU!
Live The Abundant Life – the one where nothing is missing or broken because you are aligned with God’s design.
Everything worth doing and being is rooted in relationships – first by loving God and leaning all in with Him. Then through that Love, loving others. You unlock your story when you unlock that Love by investing in intentional relationships.
Your story matters. You need to know your story and tell your story in a way that works for you. Share your heart to touch a heart.
You have a story to tell – through a plan, a testimony, or maybe a book. Your story is unique to your voice. When you discover that voice and hone your focus and flexibility, then you are empowered to tell the world in a way that works for you.
Find peace and balance in YOUR unique design that breaks out of the box. Finding YOUR way to walk out YOUR path!
You are unique in all the world – with superpowers, strengths, and differences that empower you to do what only you are designed to do in a way that works for you with focused flexibility, keeping it stupid simple, and breaking it down into little bits.

Have you ever felt like you packed away your dreams?
Living Beyond the World’s Limits
She stitched words of hope on a blank canvas. Hours invested in intricate designs showing precision, skill, and imagination.
But then they told her she had to be practical. “Get a real job.”
She painted scenes of beauty on a blank canvas. Her heart was exposed a little more with each stroke.
But then they told her she had to compromise. “They are called starving artists for a reason.”
He stepped up to entertain with a funny story. His desire to spread joy laid out for everyone to experience.
But then they told him he was too weird to be their friend. “We don’t like you.”
With each word, with each encounter, with each blow, the hearts that had been generous and willing became defensive and closed off.
Eventually, the dreams were packed away and practicality replaced peculiar purpose.
YOUniquely Purposed
That’s what happened to my mom. When she died, I was left to sort through her belongings. Packed in the back of the closet of a woman who spent her life doing office books were boxes of creative works: writings, paintings, cross stitchings. She had a creative heart that was boxed up by the demands of the world.
That was the day I became determined never to let another dream die in a box.
You are appointed by God for this time and this place.
You are made with unique gifts and abilities that make you perfectly qualified for your appointment.
Your only limits are in the beliefs you feed.
Now is the moment to break out of the box and live the life you are called to live.
Dance like nobody is watching – in the grocery aisles, while you are out for a walk, or whenever you are given space to dance.
Sing your tune – your way, your drum, your lyrics.
Be YOU because you matter and you were appointed for such a time as this.

Your best life is unique to you. Because you are unique, it isn’t normal because normal isn’t a measurement for your life.
That’s the good news.
When you unlock your uniqueness and lean into it with all you’ve got, then you create the possibilities that lead to your best life.
Anything outside of that shoves you into the box of normal.
You don’t have to live in a box they designed. That’s the better news.
Are you a box thinker, an out of the box thinker, or a hey, there’s a box? thinker?
Where you are is unique to you. Where you are going is also unique to you. But it all starts WITH YOU! Only you can take the steps you need to live your best life.
Until we define who we are, we won’t know where to go. We will get tangled up in what they dictate and they demand. We will struggle to be what they deem normal.
What We Believe:
- We believe first and foremost that you must love God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind because everything else is built on this foundation.
- We believe we are to utilize this God-Love by living it out in the world and pouring it out onto others in all that we do. We are to be the Light on the side of the hill for all the world to see.
- We believe money can never be a deciding factor in what we do, how we do it, and especially why we are doing it.
- We believe we are each uniquely designed on purpose and we all have a specific place in God’s plan that can only be filled by that one.
- We believe each God-purpose must be fed and nurtured by the Church and through the churches through resources and mentoring, bringing back the enthusiasm and support of the Acts movement.