Peculiar Productions, LLC
You deserve to live your dream. Too often roadblocks (sometimes of our own making, but often those others have thrown in our path) hold us back from being all we can, living the life we want to live, or just making it to the next step. We are stronger together.
In 2007, when we first started talking about Peculiar Productions, it was a group of four creatives coming together to support each other in the pursuit of dreams. None of us knew how to get there, but each of us knew something we could bring to the table. Today, we want to be part of your “together support.
We dare you to break through those roadblocks by walking beside you on the journey. Whether you are looking for someone to coach you through the process, to tow you for part of the journey, or to get in and drive for a bit, we can help.
- We help turn passions into profit
- We actively work to provide a space for creatives to gather and feel less weird.
- We invest in the promotion of Faith, Hope, and Love.
- We focus on being relentlessly helpful in as many ways as we can.
Our Purpose
- We believe it all starts by putting God first in your life (and in your day)
- We believe God designed you for a unique place in His purpose and plan.
- We believe you love God first and then through His Love you love others.
- We believe it is that simple.

Our Vision
We help you live your peculiar life.
Your peculiar life is the unique heartseed, planted in you at the beginning of time, and grown up to produce fruit – love, joy, peace, and faith.
When you uncover your peculiar uniqueness and begin living it in bold purpose, your whole world changes.
Our Values
- Love God – from Matthew 22:37
- Owe no man – from Romans 13:8
- Dare to live bold purpose – from 1 Peter 2:9
What We Offer
- Purpose Coaching (find your why)
- Courses (keep learning)
- Book Coaching (get your book written)
- Ghost Writing (book and eBook development) Course
- Connections (because it is all about relationships)
- Family Friendly Products (the whole family can enjoy)
- Publishing Imprint (we want to help you find a pathway for the words you believe in)
Hi – I’m Kathryn
For me, it’s all about the words.
I began my journey of finding (and living) my purpose and my uniqueness back in 1987 when I received my first “rejection” letter – which was actually a request for a parent’s signature because I wasn’t old enough, but I took it as a rejection (a roadblock of my own making). When I finally braved to dip my toes in the water again, I had discovered the internet, blogging, and indie publishing through a vast array of new avenues.
As I’ve moved forward, I watched people toss away fortunes to “publishers” only concerned with the check clearing. Those writers were left with a room full of unedited books or books with less than sub-par graphics. And don’t forget the bookmarks – for some reason every publishing package came with 1000s of bookmarks.
There is a better way. Actually, there are many better and easier ways.
As I progressed through the indie publishing path and then assisted several others through the path, a plan began to form. The more people I encountered on the road, the more important it became to create a path they could make their own.
In the last year, we have started to hone that first vision into something more like a publishing family than a publishing product. We want to come alongside you on your publishing journey and help you find your better.
Building through Relationships
The more Peculiar Productions grows, the more the value of relationships, connections, and engagement becomes obvious to all those involved.
“We are here to love God and to love each other. The rest of what we do needs to fall into one of these two categories.” Keith Lang has used this focus while teaching in a public school, acting on stage, and standing in the pulpit leading a church. “It’s not about me other than me being a conduit to touch the hearts of others.”
Be Part of the Peculiar Club
We want to connect with you and then we want to be in a position to help you in your journey.
You are unique. We want to work with you to uncover your uniqueness and then create a plan that will let you build on your uniqueness and find the profession that fits within those skill sets. Are you ready to experience a life beyond normal?
At Peculiar Productions, we know the struggle. We have been THROUGH the struggle. We are a group of writers, editors, graphic designers, and encouragers who have walked the path strewn with words.
This world is a stormy place – yes, a dark and stormy place. We are here to be a safe haven in the storm and a launching point for your independent writing career.