Are You Ready for Your Abundant Life?
Abundant Life – Course
The Abundant Life Program online course takes you through the 24 weeks of building a foundation on a rock and growing up from that foundation into your unique design. When you sign up for the course, you also receive a bonus digital workbook to download and print for use through the course. Additional course benefits:
- weekly emails with challenges
- review of submitted challenge work with follow-up prayer and support by email
- weekly video from Keith and Kathy reviewing content
Abundant Life Program Workbook
Get the digital workbook and work through the 24-week program on your own or with friends. When you choose the digital workbook, you create the freedom to print out your workbook and add additional pages and information as you go.
Abundant Life Program Workbook – Paperback
You also have the option of purchasing a paperback edition of the Abundant Life Program Workbook through Amazon. This is a great way to start building the Abundant Life with your small group, Sunday class, or weekday class.
If you are interested in purchasing workbooks in bulk, reach out to us for a discounted price. You can also use this form to talk to Keith and Kathy about leading the course at your location or to have Keith and Kathy lead a mini course for your next conference or retreat.
Help Us Plant 1,000,000 Heartseeds
From the first time Kathy filled out the #WhiteBoardofWorldDomination, she wanted to engage with 1,000,000 hearts. Today, you can help that happen by supporting the Abundant Life Program.
Learn More about the Abundant Life Program
You are designed to live an abundant life.
The world will lie to you or trick you or distract you into believing that you can’t have more (or shouldn’t have more) than what you have right now. It will beat you back from your unique path into a box of its design.
Back in the Garden of Eden, the enemy took control of the world and flipped it upside down. Jesus came along and took back the keys, flipping everything back right side up.
But the enemy didn’t stop just because he lost. He determined to convince the world that the Truth wasn’t the truth. And for the most part, the world accepted it. Too many of us are walking around upside wrong because we’ve bought into the world’s rules and the world’s limitations.
The Abundant Life declares the world is wrong. Join us in the journey to live in the Truth, to walk in the upside right of the Victory in Jesus, and to quit being tangled in the upside wrong of the world.
The Abundant Life waits for you. It’s your choice to step into it or to remain walking the path of most resistance. Know Love by investing in a relationship with the Maker. Grow Love by connecting with other hearts. Show Love by learning your uniquenesses and leaning all into that unique design through Love. Go into the world to share Love on the path designed for you.

It’s not meant to be complicated. It’s meant to be stupid simple and even easy (Matthew 11:30). We’ve bought into the world’s definition of truth, love, abundance, prosperity, and “the right way.”
It’s time to drop the chains already broken and to choose to live the life of peace, joy, and abundance – the life you were created to live and that Christ died to provide. Choose now to choose better and best for your journey.
Live the Abundant Life
Did you know that God has called you to live the abundant life? Jesus even tells us that He came so we could have life and to have it abundantly. The abundant life is one where nothing is missing and nothing is broken.
It is perfected in Love and through Love.
You can step into your abundant life today. Simply choose to know Love. Let that Love flow you to others. Grow up your unique design. And then go out and share with the world.
The abundant life waits for you. All you have to do is choose to take the steps that will lead you through your unique design to the place of abundance.

Seasons to Abundance
Season One: Love God (Know)
It starts with the right foundation. You need a solid foundation for the building to stand strong. No matter what others may try to tell you, you can’t build on a broken foundation.
Season Two: Love Others (Grow)
We are designed to be in relationships. Once you have a solid foundation of Love, you pass that Love on to the relationships around you to begin building your abundant life.
Season Three: Now What? (Show)
You are uniquely designed on purpose and for a purpose. Too often the things of this world and the distractions of life have covered up or disguised that uniqueness. In order to walk out your path, you have to know who you were crafted to be.
Season Four: Go!
Walk it out. It is that simple and the more solid you stand through each season, the bolder you become in your go.
Your Help is Requested!
Help Us Plant 1,000,000 Heartseeds
From the first time Kathy filled out the #WhiteBoardofWorldDomination, she wanted to engage with 1,000,000 hearts. Today, you can help that happen by supporting the Abundant Life Program.