focus on purpose

How to Be Focused on Purpose: 3 Tips for Avoiding Squirrels

Becoming focused on purpose will take focus – or at least an understanding of the purpose and a willingness to walk it out. As long as you are wondering you are wandering. “What was I doing?” Most people have walked into a room and looked around and realized they have no idea why they are…

Define Your Why

Take time to define your why so you will be prepared to pursue your why with bold and purposeful actions. Until you know why you are doing what you are doing you will struggle to get it done. Motivation can be the key to breaking through the barriers or sometimes just making it through the…

Discovering the Purpose

Why seems to be the one question that everyone defaults to when things are not going the way that was expected. Toddlers will wear down the toughest adult with the incessant repetition of the whys. Teenagers challenge ever rule and request with a why that demands explanation – even if the request INCLUDED an explanation….