Tips for Crafting Blog Posts When Words Are Stuck
Crafting blog posts that inform, entertain, and engage – hopefully, all three at the same time – can be a challenge under the best of circumstances. When you are bombarded with negatives from every direction, it’s hard to craft words that offer a glimmer of encouragement.
Whether you are a new blogger or an experienced wordsmith, new ideas or a different perspective can be perfect for getting the words flowing.
Blog Post Tips to Get the Words Flowing
During a presentation about books and blogging, Kathryn Lang (from shared this wisdom, “Writer’s block is only a Halloween costume for procrastination.” She wanted us to understand that words were always there, at our fingertips, and that the only thing holding the words back were the excuses or reasons we had put into place to block them.
You can write. You just have to choose to write.
But it’s not always easy to make that truth a reality.
No matter how many blog posts you’ve written, it can be a struggle to face the empty page. What should you write? How should you write? Why should you write? The questions alone are enough to stop the words. Add in all of the other distractions and doubts and it’s no wonder that blog post writing seems like an impossible hurdle.
When you are struggling to find the best words for crafting blog posts for your websites, stop trying.
Tips for Crafting Blog Posts When Words Refuse to Flow
Find your key to crafting blog posts by finding your way to get the words flowing.
- Journal about your day, your frustrations, or your reasons for not writing. Be random or targeted with the words as long as you are letting the words out to play. Just putting words to the paper can be enough to get words started.
- Take a lead from the headlines. Choose one story from the local headlines and write your version of the story – it could be all true or all fiction (and you don’t even have to share it). The thing about words is that once you get them going they tend to keep going.
- Answer a social media post – either answer a question on your social media posts or respond to a social media post you read elsewhere. You can link to the social media post in your answer or use the answer to vent your aggravations or frustrations.
It doesn’t matter what you use to get the words started. Words make a way for more words so the key is to get whatever words possible flowing. You make your way for crafting blog posts when you make room for words to flow with ease.
Crafting Blog Post
Join Kathryn Lang as she shares tips on how to create 30 posts for your blog in only 30 days without hurting yourself or anyone around you. This FREE online conference also includes resources from experts around the internet.

Oddsbodikins – a mild swear (likely euphemism to avoid using the Lord’s name in vain).
Your challenge today is to use the word of the day in a post, a rant, or a fun story so it sparks the word flow for crafting blog posts.
Put your words to work for you because you work hard to craft your words.
Sometimes you need a little extra infusion of inspiration. Let these writing prompts offer you the fuel to flame up new ideas.
Today’s writing prompt provides a challenge for your next flash fiction of 650 words or less. Write your story with the twist that these three phrases or words have to be included: Vin Diesel, Larry the Cucumber, and a flaming flamingo. Be sure to keep the content clean (family-friendly) and share your links or stories in the comments below.

Start Building Writing Success
26 Days to Build Writing Success offers daily tips to help you create your unique writing plan – whether you want to write books, blogs, or content for others this course will get you moving in the right direction. Start today for only $27 US